I really love field trips. They’re quite possibly my favorite thing about homeschooling. Last week we went to a show at the Planetarium. They were having another one this week so we went to it also and while we were out, we used some free passes to the Southern Museum of Flight that we had gotten.
The Southern Museum of Flight was something we’ve never done before (despite being in close proximity to it) so it was a nice treat. Plus, unless we’re doing something huge like the zoo, I like to try to squeeze in two “field trips” in one day. While the Planetarium was great, it was a one hour show. Kind of hard to justify a one hour show as a whole school day (especially since it was the 2nd time we went in as many weeks). BigG also did some independent reading in the car and we did Lesson 3 in English for the Thoughtful Child, Vol. 1
(our LA supplement we’re using in addition to Sonlight this year.) Science, history, reading and English sounds like a day to me.
We also fill out our field trip logs when we get home from a field trip. So I guess it was science, history, reading, English and writing.
Last summer we read the book The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot July 25, 1909
and strangely enough, it turned out to be a book BigG really enjoyed and wanted to read over and over. He remembers it well so we brought it up while we were at the museum. BigG also learned about Wilbur and Orville Wright and their first flight from one exhibit. But aside from that, the museum was more fun than educational. He liked looking at the planes and he liked the few hands on things but the history of the planes and the science of flight was just a little over him.
Also this week:
- We’re two weeks into Sonlight Core A. I really like it.
- I realize it’s very Charlotte Mason-ish and I never viewed myself as that kind of homeschooler, but I like English for the Thoughtful Child, Vol. 1
. I got it brand new at a book sale for $3 too. Awesome.
- We’re finishing up our BJU Math 1 because we didn’t finish it last year. See, BigG started the year as a Kindergartener but by October I realized that wasn’t working at all. So we bumped up to first grade. Getting a late start meant not finishing all of the 1st grade math. We managed to finish all the other subjects but not math. After we finish we’re picking up Singapore Math 1B. Yes I know there is a 1A and it’s supposed to be for the start of 2nd grade. But I flipped through it and he could already do everything in it even before he finished BJU Math 1. So I decided to start at 1B. We have some math supplements too and we take our time with math. It’s not a subject I want to run through. (I was never great at math anyway. It was always my “sweat subject”. I had to fight to keep my A average in math in high school when everything else was a breeze.
- We are also doing Abeka cursive. BigG begged for the longest last year to start learning cursive. I promised him in 2nd grade we would. We do a cursive lesson every day and he willingly writes more than I assign him. But ask him to write his spelling words? AGONY. For both of us.
- And we finished up our week learning about Monet and doing one of the art activities from the Monet art activities magazine (free to download!)
All in all, I say we’ve had a hugely successful first two weeks of school.
This is part of the Weekly Wrap Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers!
We love field trips too. You all are up to great learning.
Blessings, Dawn
We love field trips too. You all are up to great learning.
Blessings, Dawn
Sounds like a great start to your school year! Thank you for sharing at the #WeeklyWrapUp
Sounds like a great start to your school year! Thank you for sharing at the #WeeklyWrapUp