* Would you like to give your child the language advantage?
Then look no further than Spanish. 414 million people speak Spanish on our planet compared with 335 million who speak English, and in this increasingly globalised world knowledge of Spanish is becoming more and more vital.
* Why now is the best time to start learning Spanish
Children’s brains are programmed to acquire languages. Your child hears, sees the language used in context, and absorbs new words and phrases like a sponge. They don’t hesitate to learn and they easily adopt a Spanish accent. It’s incredible to behold!
* Speekee – Spanish for Kids
Children learn languages best when they’re having fun, and having fun is what Speekee is all about. The Spanish learning is video based. The videos feature real Spanish children in real Spanish locations, and the Spanish is presented in a rhythmical, structured, step by step fashion. With Speekee your child is immersed in Spanish at all times!
In response to feedback from users, audio clips are being made of every single piece of Spanish language presented in Accelerate. The great thing about Speekee being exclusively online is that the program can be constantly improved on!.
* What WE Think of Speekee
So we tested it. From a mom/teacher standpoint it’s fabulous – especially since I don’t speak Spanish. I was learning just as much as he was.
Some lessons you’re just watching a video. Other lessons have a printable sheet to go along with the less to do after you’ve watched the video. And each lesson has some ideas in the notes for futher practice and review.
This is a great choice if you’re looking for a homeschool Spanish curriculum

Other than reading the preface to each video and priting a sheet on the days that required it, there is no “prep” time for the lessons. Which takes the pressue off a busy mom! Students can do one lesson a day as part of their daily subjects or if your style is to do multiple lessons each day of limited subjects, you can do that too. When one lesson is over, it’s a quick click to the next one.
G even wanted to make a video much like the ones he watched while doing his Speekee Lessons:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQXBSVgOWOM]
Isn’t that adorable? Yes, it was his idea to include the cat.
* The Speekee Giveaway
1 Winner receives a full year subscription
Up to 100 Winners receive a free-month subscription
Just enter your name and email address in the entry form below. The giveaway ends on August 7, 2016!
(If you don’t see a form – as it’s not showing for some – just click this link):
The first 100 to enter will receive a code valid for one month of service that is redeemable August 7th through August 16th. That code will be sent to you on August 7th. ONE lucky winner will get a full year for FREE!
I don’t see the form.
Yikes! I guess that would be important! It should be there now. Thanks!
Hi, I’d love to enter, but I am not seeing an entry form.
Sorry about that! It’s there now!
Hi, I’d love to enter, but I am not seeing an entry form.
Sorry about that! It’s there now!
Yikes! I guess that would be important! It should be there now. Thanks!