Author: Tabitha

Last Day of 4th Grade – May 17, 2018 (and some of our favorite books)

Whew!  What a year!  I can’t believe this handsome fella is finished with FOURTH grade! …

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Currently Reading…

Obviously the top books are G’s. We are brushing up on the Olympics. The next…

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LLH’s Book of the Week – The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

I can’t wait to start sharing with you a great book every week that we…

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LLH’s Subject Spotlight: Science

What do you use for Homeschool Science?  There are endless options out there.  Here’s what…

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4th Grade is Halfway Over

4th Grade is halfway over (like literally, January 8th was our 90 day mark –…

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Happy Leif Erikson Day (October 9th) | Here are some reading suggestions:

Happy Leif Erikson Day! Yeah, yeah, I know that it’s also Columbus Day but poor…

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Two FREE Audio Book Downloads

We LOVE audio books!  We’ve listened to the entire Little House on the Prairie series,…

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What Public School Gets WRONG About Socialization

I thought we were past this but here we are having the Great Socialization Debate…….

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Back to School 2017

I have a 4th grader this yea!  Where is time going?

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Are You Prepared for the Solar Eclipse on August 21?

This has become quite the anticipated event!  The must see of the year!  And to…

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