Happy 7th Birthday and Taking a Week Off


BigG celebrated his SEVENTH birthday yesterday.  Y’all, I’m having a hard time with this one.  Seven is so…BIG.  He still looks like my sweet 6 year old boy.  He still acts and talks like my sweet 6 year old boy.  But he insists he’s 7.  I’m still not sure about this 7 business though….

Anyway, BigG gets the week of school because it’s his birthday.  He thinks he’s just that awesome but really it’s because, this was one of our scheduled weeks off anyway.  (You can see how we schedule our semi-year round schooling here.)

But, regardless if it’s a day or a whole week, isn’t that all on our list of reason why we homeschool?  So birthdays can be school holidays?

//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.jsSo we went to see Pan yesterday for his birthday.  It was a cute movie.  He enjoyed it very much.  And so far, it’s the quietest he’s EVER been in a movie theater, ever.  Maybe it was because the movie was just that thrilling to him…or because he’s 7.  Because apparently he is  (his words) “going to do a lot of things better now that he’s 7.”


Author: admin

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